Another chapter awaits.

1 min readSep 15, 2021

Leems is gone.

He was my tangible goal with a timestamp and now he’s gone and that’s ok.

Sometimes things don’t work out the way you imagine them to, that’s mostly what happens. It feels unfair and it hurts for a very very long time.

I was hurting for a very long time holding onto something that wasn’t meant to be and now that I’ve let go, people around me are actually telling me that I look calm. How one feels when they exhale.

I was a HOT MESS for most of this year. Praying and manifesting something that wasn’t mine to begin with.

It feels crazy to think that wanting love felt so heavy especially when you’re chasing it. That’s where I wronged myself but I don’t regret any of it.

I did what my heart and soul wanted me to do and I now know what I don’t want in my person. I want cute gestures, flowers and other random things that sweeps us off our feet.

I don’t want a circus of red flags.

After spending most of this year puzzled and in pain, I finally got my miracle that I had prayed and manifested for and to my surprise, it set me free.

I exhaled and let you go.




Sometimes I’ll start a sentence, and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way — Micheal Scott